非手术 乳头矫正器(二只装) Amazon UPC NO: 701142333062 | ||
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特别提醒,在吸引乳头的时候必须要先擦一些油性的护肤品可以增强吸力防止吸不住 乳头内陷的危害: 首先,它有碍健美和影响哺乳. 第二,由于乳头凹陷,哺乳时乳头往往要被强行牵拉出来,此时乳头非常娇嫩,一旦碰撞,极易损伤、破裂和出血,可造成乳头乃至整个乳房感染,终发生乳腺炎. 第三,乳头是女性非常重要的性敏感点,许多女性的性欲是通过乳头刺激达到的.乳头一旦凹陷,则难以发挥有效的性刺激,甚至会影响男方的性欲. 适用人群: NAVIA乳头矫正器适合任何发育后的女性(18~35岁),特别针对乳头内陷凹陷进行矫正,一般1~3个月可以修复乳头凹陷乳头内陷。哺乳期妇女建议在哺乳前几分钟使用.(此时只是暂时性的吸出乳头喂养宝宝,但此时没有任何矫正的作用,必需要等到退乳后使用乳头矫正器)。 注意:怀孕期请在医生的指导下使用 。 使用说明: 1、将针筒插入矫正器未端与乳头矫正器连接。 3、奶头拉出以后把针筒和整个乳头矫正器分离,方法是握紧奶头矫正器的阀门部份,轻轻地把针筒拔出。这样,小巧轻便的奶头矫正器可以穿着衣服持续使用,不影响你的舒适生活。 注意事项: 少女是否可以使用乳头矫正器: 少女时期是乳房发育的重要时期,如果此时发现乳头有扁平凹陷内陷现象应及时纠正,所以说少女时期也是纠正乳头凹陷的重要时期。经常牵拉乳头,可以使双乳突出、周围皮肤支撑力增大,起到“定型”作用。但些时如果使用乳头矫正器要使用比较温和的吸力,不可以操之过急,自行牵拉效果不明显时,应及时去医院找大夫咨询,以学会正确运用乳头凹陷矫正器来治疗。 乳头矫正器的清洗: 乳头矫正器材料使用进口的医用高分材料制成,产品可以一般清水清洗,也可以用开水煮,或用酒精绵擦洗。 | ||
Nipple Puller Nipple aspirator --without surgery Simple, convenient | ||
Short Description: Through gentle suction the NAVIA pulls the nipple out into a small Medical pp thimble-like cup. In a matter of weeks of continued wear the nipple will stay permanently erect. Features: -- Simple, convenient -- Medical pp -- painless --without surgery Nipple Puller Detailed Description: - PP material, soft, comfortable, environmentally friendly. - Our revolutionary improvement: This additional silicon will help reduce the hurt of using. Nipple Puller correction of inverted nipples INVERTED NIPPLE TREATMENT Non-surgical — Use soft attract - Flat or inverted nipples can be a potential problem for women wishing to breastfeed. Through gentle suction the NAVIA pulls the nipple out into a small plastic thimble-like cup. In a matter of weeks of continued wear the nipple will stay permanently erect. Ideally, the NAVIA should be used before you become pregnant. However, if your breasts are not too sensitive, it can also be used in the first six months of pregnancy to achieve a permanent correction. Alternatively you can use the NAVIA for the first few days after delivery for a few minutes only before each feed. -This will pull your nipple out so that your baby can latch on more easily and breastfeeding can be established. Once your milk comes in fully, the NAVIA will not function. However, by then your baby will have become accustomed to latching on to your nipple and pulling it out for him or herself. The permanent cosmetic correction can then be effected once breastfeeding is over. . Nipple aspirator | ||
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